
Elegant Git aims to standardize how a work environment should be configured. It operates 3 levels of configurations (basics, standards, and aliases - see below) which can be applied to a Git repository (local configuration) and (or) to a Git installation globally (global configuration).

The local configuration applies by running git elegant acquire-repository and configures current Git repository by using git config --local <key> <value>.

The global configuration invokes by git elegant acquire-git and uses git config --global <key> <value> for Git configuration.

If you've applied a global configuration, there is no sense to repeat some options for a local one. That's why the following markers explain how each particular option will be configured:

  • b - configures for both configurations
  • l - configures only for a local configuration
  • g - configures only for a global configuration
  • i - if a global configuration is applied, an option isn't used in local configuration; otherwise, uses in local configuration


The basics configuration configures the following options git config options:

  1. (b)
  2. (b)
  3. core.editor (i)

During the configuration, you will be asked to provide appropriate values.


The standards configuration configures a set of the git config options which both handle OS-specific configurations and add specific options for the correct execution of Elegant Git commands. It consists of

  1. setting core.commentChar (i) to | enables commit messages starting from #
  2. setting apply.whitespace (i) to fix removes whitespaces when applying a patch
  3. setting fetch.prune (i) to true keeps remote-tracking references up-to-date
  4. setting fetch.pruneTags (i) to false does not remove tags until you specify it explicitly (git fetch --tags)
  5. setting core.autocrlf (i) to either input on MacOS/Linux or true on Windows solves issues with line endings
  6. setting pull.rebase (i) to true uses rebase when git pull
  7. setting rebase.autoStash (i) to false uses autostash never when git rebase
  8. setting credential.helper (i) to osxkeychain on MacOS configures default credentials storage
  9. setting elegant.acquired (g) to true identifies that Elegant Git global configuration is applied


In order to make Elegant Git command like a native Git command, each Elegant Git command will have an appropriate alias like git elegant save-work will become git save-work. This should significantly improve user experience.

The configuration is a call of git config "alias.<command>" "elegant <command>" (i) for each Elegant Git command.