git elegant

Run git elegant <command> where <command> is one of


Configures current repository using git config --local. It includes:

  • defining a user identity (name and email)
  • applying git settings which are required for correct work of Elegant Git
  • aliasing Elegant Git commands by making them available as Git commands
usage: git elegant acquire-repository

A sequence of original git commands:

git config --local {provided name}
git config --local {provided email}
git config --local core.editor {provided editor}
# "|" char starts non-message lines while writing commit message
git config --local core.commentChar |
# Remove whitespaces when apply a patch
git config --local apply.whitespace fix
# Aliasing Elegant Git commands by making them available as Git commands
git config --local "alias.<command>" "elegant <command>"
# Keeping up-to-date with both branches and tags on the remote
git config --local fetch.prune true
git config --local fetch.pruneTags true
# Rebase local changes while puling remotes refs
git config --local fetch.prune true
git config --local fetch.pruneTags
# Line ending configuration
## on MAC or Linux
git config --local core.autocrlf input
## on Windows
git config --local core.autocrlf true
# Always rebase when pull
git config --local pull.rebase true
# Never autostash if rebase
git config --local rebase.autoStash false
# Specify an external helper to be called when a username 
# or password credential is needed (MAC only)
git config --local credential.helper osxkeychain
# Remove local aliases which contain Elegant Git commands
git config --local --unset <alias>
# Add aliases for current commands
git config --local alias.<command> "elegant <command>"


Clones a repository into a new directory and runs its configuration.

usage: git elegant clone-repository <URL>

A sequence of original git commands:

git clone <URL>
cd <repo root directory>
# execute commands provided by `git elegant acquire-repository`


Creates an empty Git repository (or reinitialize an existing one) and runs its configuration.

usage: git elegant init-repository

A sequence of original git commands:

git init
# execute commands provided by `git elegant acquire-repository`


Creates a new local branch based on latest version of master. If there are some uncommitted changes, they will be moved to the new branch.

usage: git elegant start-work <branch-name>

A sequence of original git commands:

git checkout master
git fetch --tags
git pull
git checkout -b <branch-name>


Saves available changes (or a part of them) making a git commit.

usage: git save-work

A sequence of original git commands:

git add --interactive
git diff --cached --check
git commit


Updates the current branch using the latest remote master and updates remote refs.

usage: git deliver-work

A sequence of original git commands:

git fetch
git rebase origin/master
git push --set-upstream --force origin {local branch name}:{local branch name}


Accepts proposed work (remote work branch) on top of the fresh history of remote master (using rebase) and publishes work to origin/master. Also, it removes the remote work branch in case of successful work acceptance.

usage: git elegant accept-work <remote-branch>

A sequence of original git commands:

git fetch --all --tags
git checkout --force -B __eg <remote-branch-name>
git status
git rebase origin/master
git checkout master
git merge --ff-only __eg
git push origin master:master
git branch --delete --force __eg
git push origin --delete <remote-branch-name>


Downloads new updates for a local branch.


Removes all local branches which don't have remote tracking branches.


Displays all available commands.